Welcome to the site with the most spirits

Our café offers more than 500 different brands of jenever (Dutch gin), a small museum, the Borrelmuseum (borrel = small drink) and a lot of other nice drinks from all over the world.

(We also serve beer(s), coffee, tea and soft drinks)

You are always welcome to taste them and if you want I can tell the story or history behind every one of them.

As a speciality in our café we offer a ‘drieluikje’,

a set of three types or brands of jenever

If you want to see how jenever was and is made (in English), take a  look at the short film Genever In the Netherlands (bit further down)I made for the Australian market.

Schiedam, you may not only see, smell and hear,

but at Jeneverie ‘t Spul you can taste Schiedam as well!!!

Be sure to do so in our small café at the Hoogstraat 92 (Highstreet)

in the centre of the old town.

Your visit to Schiedam will not be complete until you have visited

Jeneverie ´t Spul

 The link for the film:

Genever in the Netherlands you can see on:


Dear Jenever taster,

Jeneverie 't Spul organizes jenever-tastings.
You can make reservations for a large group (up to 60 people), but also for yourself and small groups.

All tastings include tasting forms, crackers, water, cheese / sausage, pepsels and peanuts. During the tasting I will tell you how jenever is made now and how it used to be made, some history, examples of packaging, bottles, etc. and some anecdotes.
If required, I will be pleased to show you a film that I produced in coöperation with Broodkast videos for the Australian jenever / gin market. (see link above)

What are the possibilities for jenevertastings?

In principle, everything is possible, provided it is within our capabilities.

Here are some examples of tastings we hold regularly;

• The standard tasting (€ 43,00 p.p.)
Seven jenevers (examples) consisting of: - one young jenever - one young jenever (more malt wine) - one old jenever - one barrel aged old jenever - one korenwijn - one longer aged barrel korenwijn - one barrel aged maltwine
• The tasting pallet (€ 38,00 p.p.)
Five jenevers (examples) consisting of - one young jenever - one old jenever - one barrel aged old jenever - one korenwijn - one barrel aged maltwine
• A Triptych  (€ 33,00 p.p.)
Consists of three jenevers (examples) which you can choose yourself, but the barman- or barwoman will be happy to advise you on what is the best combination

We also do Gin-Tastings:

  • Standard gin-tasting 5 examples (first sip neat  and then with some toniv-water) (with or without ice) This can be a regular gin, a specilal one a gin based on calvados, a barel-aged gin and an oldfasioned Dutch gin made in the traditional way. because we have more than 60 different gins you also can make a choice out of this selection. With the tasting we will serve also some spices, roots and fruits to complement the G and T. 
  • During the tasting I will explane how the gins were made and some history. 
  • Price per person € 53,00.
  • Three gins:  three samples (can be a choice out of 60) with tonic-water and the rest the same as the standard.
  • The price per person € 48,00.
  • A full gin-tonic€ 27,00 p.p. with the above: explaning and some history.

During the tasting or after the tasting it is also possible to participate in:
• A small pub quiz
Specially made questions for your group. General knowledge questions and/or jeneverquestions.

• Tasting on location

Tasting on location consists of 150 different jenevers, jenever-glasses for the number of people present, all about jenever on paper in several languages ​​and some examples from our Borrel Museum (small jenevermuseum) collection.
We can also provide a standard tasting on location.

The Borrel Dammers (Schiedammers)
The Borrel Dammers come with yoke and barrels for your party and will be dressed in medieval (or another costume) to let your guests taste some jenever. Here some jenever songs can be played.

If you want to have something different, this is usually possible!

For reservations or questions please call daily from 2 pm to 2 am or you can always email of course.
Telephone: 0031 (0)10 4270642

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Hoogstraat 92, 3111HL Schiedam

We look forward to welcoming you,

Robert and Ineke van Klaarwater (= Clearwater)
